Friday, 22 April 2011

Feats of Clay

thanks to those who came out to the opening and Congrats to those with work in the show. it looks great.

A little bit closer

Getting closer to a proper glaze fit. Have it narrowed down to a glaze with a thermal expansion ratio of less than 7 & greater than 7.2.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"

The testing continues. Getting closer to a liner glaze that matches the clay shrinkage.

Why is a liner glaze that fits so important? Well for the past 5 months about 80% of my Crystalline work has come out of the kiln with cracks on the bottom. The cracks all appeared to be very random with no clear identifiable cause. I asked other potters and tried their suggestions. I spoke with people who work for the technical support at two different clay manufactures and both said it was most likely caused by an extreme glaze fit issue. Using the Digitalfire Insight glaze software I have been testing and altering different glazes.

I found this link on Fizz & Fuzz and would like to pass it along as I feel its worth reading. How To Steal Like An Artist

Monday, 4 April 2011

Still testing

The search for a new liner glaze continues. This was a test of three different glazes to test glaze fit / thermal expansion. 
Lower image is a stress test. The test are placed in boiling water then into ice water to see if the glaze and the clay are expanding at the same rate. this test did very little so the test were placed into a kiln and heated to 375 degree C. then submerged into ice water.